Daisy's Dead Air Blog

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Roots of Republican Rape Definitions - 9:00 AM EST

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"When Todd Akin said that women didn't get pregnant if they were "legitimately raped", Daisy knew she had heard this sort of insanity before. Using her vast knowledge of all things feminist she unearthed another Republican, this time in South Dakota, who has his own definition of "real rape". This ultimately leads Daisy to discuss Ayn Rand's rape scene in "The Fountainhead", and the way her self-first philosophy guides today's most extreme Republican leaders.

Daisy is joined by Gregg, who explains how the Green Party defines feminism, and Double A, who shares insights about Rand, Christianity and reminds us all that The Daisy Deadhead Show is THE place to go for the latest cultural news.

This program is hosted by Daisy Deadhead of Daisy's Dead Air blog and Gregg Jocoy of the South Carolina Green Party which sponsors the show.

The Daisy Deadhead Show is live from 9 to 10 AM EST. Tune in on your radio dial at 1600AM or 94.9FM if you live in the Fountain Inn, Simpsonville or Mauldin area. To get Twitter Text updates text: follow DeadheadShow to 40404.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Assange, Ryan & Rand

Memories are our mental records of history. Photos can help us recall memories. In this week's episode of The Daisy Deadhead Show Daisy and Gregg talk about the importance of holding on to memories and photographs so we can create our own history. "Please put your photos and memories online." Daisy says.

Julian Assange is in the headlines again. The founder of Wikileaks was granted political asylum by Ecuador but not so fast. The British government is threatening to revoke Ecuador’s embassy status and take Assange by force.

Daisy exposes the basis of the political ideology of Republican VP nominee Paul Ryan. Ryan greatly admires Ayn Rand who was an author among other things and she thought selfishness was required for society to prosper and was the highest virture one could attain. An ardent atheist, Rand even went so far as to reject William F. Buckley's hand in friendship because he, like Ryan, was an avid Roman Catholic.

Finally they get into what would seem to be the final curtain in the battle to save the Mauldin open Air Market from the state DOT's plans to put in a turn lane where none is needed.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Romney, Rednecks & Honey Boo Boo

The Cable channel that brought you "Sarah Palin's Alaska" has sunk to a new low with a show called "Here comes Honey Boo Boo". The show exploits a little girl who is overweight and her "redneck" family. Daisy and the crew will also tackle Mitt Romney, healthcare, the trickle up economy and Occupy Greenville.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to reach out to GPATS members and help protect the Mauldin Open Air Market

On today's show we said we would place the addresses of all the members of GPATS on the show's website so you can contact the members if you wanted to do so. The hope is that some of you will write these people and ask them to oppose any SC DOT plans to take Joel Ann Chandler's land away from her. Joel Ann owns the Mauldin Open Air Market, a land mark business on one of the main roads leading to Mauldin.

There are three "paragraphs" below. The first if a list of links to forms you must use to contact our state legislators. Apparently they don't want you to contact them directly, so you'll have to do this one at a time. I suspect that is designed to keep from the "regular people" from bothering them.

The second is a list of the email contacts for other GPATS members. Simply copy this list, and paste it into your email's "addresses" space.

The last is the basic message we hope to get to GPATS members. Simply copy the paragraph below the list of addresses, paste it into the body of the legislative contact form or the body of your email, make any changes you want to make, and hit "send". To get more details on GPATS' plans for the Mauldin Open Air Market, click here. To read what Daisy has written about the situation, at her blog. All links will open in a new tab or page automatically.

Contact State Legislators by clicking each link.
Senator Ralph Anderson
Senator David L. Thomas
Senator Phillip W. Shoopman
Senator Danny Verdin
Senator Larry A. Martin
Representative Eric Bikas
Representative Dwight Loftis
Representative Phil Owens
Representative Joshua Putnam

This is a list of all other GPATS member e-mail addresses. Only voting members are included.


Dear GPATS Member,

I am writing you today to ask you to oppose any plans proposed by the Department of Transportation or GPATS staff which would put the Mauldin Open Air Market at risk by using eminent domain to seize Joel Ann Chandler's land for a proposed turn lane. The turn lane would serve a very limited purpose, while the entire community benefits from the Mauldin Open Air Market. A community land mark known far and wide, the market serves as a place where customer and producer meet, with Joel Ann and her staff as the perfect go-between. Please respect her property rights, and be wiser with our tax dollars. Leave her land exactly where it belongs, in her family.


A Voter

Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-Fil-A, Jack Schaap & GPAT's abuse of power

Tune in 9:00 AM EST

On this week's episode of The Daisy Deadhead Show, Daisy and Gregg talk about the boycott of Chick-Fil-A and traditional marriage.

Who is Jack Schaap? He is not another preacher in trouble over having sex with a young member of his flock is he? Rev. Jack Schaap pastors the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church, and Hyles-Anderson College and pictures found on his cell phone may bring him down.

Finally we go back and discuss GPATS' plan to grab Joel Ann Chandler's land away from her to create a turn lane where none is needed.